Thursday, November 15, 2012

What is Your Isaac?

It's funny, when I ask the Lord to challenge me to trust Him in obedience, I usually have a situation in mind that I think He's going to challenge me in.  He usually then ends up challenging me in a completely different and unexpected way.  This is what I'm currently wrestling with.  The Lord has challenged me to obedience in an area of my life that is extremely difficult to surrender.  He has asked me to trust Him with something that I hold so closely to my heart.  I believe that He is taking me aside and putting me to the test, questioning what I value most in life.  Just as God took Abraham on a walk and asked him to surrender his one and only son, the thing he valued most to him, God is asking me what my Isaac is.  He is questioning whether I value this over my relationship with Him and if I'm willing to act in obedience, to "Trust Him with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways, acknowledge Him and He will be faithful to direct my path" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

I am learning that obedience to the Lord sometimes doesn't make sense to our human minds.  When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only promised son on the altar, it didn't make logical sense to him.  When God asked Noah to build an ark over the course of 100 years when there was no sign of rain, it sounded like a crazy idea.  When God told Mary that she was going to bear Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God as a virgin, I'm sure she initially questioned the angel Gabriel of his illogical statement.  When Joshua was told to take his troops and march around the city of Jericho, trusting that  God would somehow make the walls of the city crumble and fall, I'm sure he thought at some point that God's request didn't make any sense. 
In each of these well known stories, the righteous men and women of God walked by FAITH and not by sight.  God asked each one of them to do something that was either illogical, impossible or simply didn't make sense.  He asked them to TRUST HIM, but not because the situation at hand made sense, rather because God was calling them to lean not on their own understanding, but instead step out in faith and obedience, trusting that His ways and thoughts were so much greater than their own.  
God is calling me and so many of us to this same place of faith, trust and obedience. What or who is my Isaac? What is my most valuable possession or something that has distracted me from my most intimate and personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Am I willing to walk in faith, knowing that obedience to the King of kings and the Lord of lords is better than sacrifice.  Am I willing to surrender and lean not on my own understanding, acknowledging Him in every action and trusting the God who holds the universe in His hands to direct my path, even if what He's asking of me doesn't make sense?   

He is trustworthy.  He is faithful.  His ways are greater than my ways.  His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.  His plans are to prosper and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future.  He promises that those who seek Him will find Him, and those who cry out to Him for wisdom, will receive what they ask for in His name.  He promises to direct the path of His faithful children and to guide them as He takes their hand and walks alongside them.  He promises courage and strength.

Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1).
Trust He who is faithful.
Step out in faith. Act in obedience. Trust the One who holds your past, present and future in His hands.

You are still Holy
Kari Jobe

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