Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Room Sweet Room

SO. New semester. New growth. AND a New roommate...who I'm so incredibly blessed by and grateful for :)

Here's our cozy little room. Thankful for a whole lot of laughs and life shared with my precious friend and roommate Tracey. This year is gonna be fantastic.

New Semester, New Growth

This semester has already been filled with a lot of challenges, joy, laughter, change, wonderful friendships and growth.  

The Lord is good to have blessed me with yet another year at Moody.  It's hard to believe that I'm already back here in Chicago and getting into the swing of things.  Classes have been incredible.  I have never been so excited to go to class!  This semester I get to take my first inter-cultural class...which has encouraged me in so many ways and reminded me of the passions that the Lord has placed in my heart.  My 3 hour class is called "Inter-cultural Communication and is only once a week, but it is by far my favorite class and prof.  Dr. Park is full of life and wisdom.  She's Korean and has been all around the world; she therefore has a ton of experience with culture, and a whole lot of wisdom to pour into us, her students. We've discussed culture, worldview, behavioral patterns and so many other applicable topics.  

This past week we had to read a short book by Mabel Williamson called Have We No Rights.  The book was one of the best I've ever read having to do with culture, expectations, rights and what God has to say about entering into a new culture. Solid solid book...I would recommend it to anyone.  In her book, Williamson based her thoughts and ideas off of 1 Corinthians 9, especially vs 22-23.  This is where Paul states, "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.  I do all this for the sake of the Gospel, that I may share in its blessings."  Paul was right when he stated that we must lay aside our rights in order to further the Gospel to the nations and make every effort to "save some" of the lost. Laying aside one's rights might be one of the most difficult things to do, but will prove the most effective when entering a new culture.  Williamson stated that it is only when we truly understand “how they eat, how they sleep, how they work, how they play, what they like, what they dislike, what they hope, what they fear, how they think, how they feel—when we really understand them, then, and only then, will we be able to present the Gospel to them in an adequate way.”  As missionaries we are to literally deny ourselves so that we can understand the people, culture and present the Gospel adequately.  Again Williamson states, 

"On the mission field it is not the enduring of hardships, the lack of comforts, and the roughness of the life that make the missionary cringe and falter. It is something far less romantic and far more real. It is something that will hit you right down where you live. The missionary has to give up having his own way. He has to give up having any rights. He has, in words of Jesus, to "deny himself." He just has to give himself up."

There is so much truth in this statement.  Entering into inter-cultural missions means counting the cost.   
There is huge sacrifice that takes place when you give up everything that you were ever familiar with and open yourself up to a completely unfamiliar way of life. It takes humility and patience; two things that the Lord is constantly working on in my life.  I am also continually learning that walking into missions means closing our earthly eyes and asking the Lord to open our spiritual eyes in order to see potential and transformation in lives that have yet to be touched.  

"It does not matter how low, how ignorant, how degraded the person is, Christ is able to transform him into someone far superior to me; and it may be that that is just what He is going to do. Who am I, a poor redeemed sinner, to look down upon anyone else? Who am I to challenge Christ's power, and refuse to believe that anyone can be made new?"

The power of Christ goes beyond our understanding.  May we trust Him and praise Him for the work that he is doing in the lives of those he's called us to in this time and place! HE IS WORTHY! Christ has given me full right to Himself; as I walk on any mission field, my desire and prayer is that He have full right to me! 

So to conclude...this is just the beginning of what is looking to be a very exciting and challenging semester.  I am so eager to see how God will grow, refine and deepen my relationship with Him and others.  God have your way in my life! 

"Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths; 
guide me in your truth and teach me, 
for you are God my Savior
and my hope is in you ALL DAY LONG!"
Psalm 25: 4-5